To view livestream (beginning at 11:50am) or recorded version by clicking here.
Water defines the landscape in Central Oregon-from Wickiup Reservoir to irrigation in Jefferson County-and all the uses in between. This forum will explore the conservation, technology and policy solutions to how we can do more with less water.
In-person lunch starts at 11:30am
Virtual forum starts at 11:50am
Moderator: Zack Demars, Special Projects Reporter for The Bulletin
Erin Kilcullen, General Manager - Deschutes Soil and Water Conservation District
Kate Fitzpatrick, Executive Director - Deschutes River Conservancy
Michael Buettner, Utility Director - City of Bend
Kevin Richard - Fox Hollow Farm
To submit questions, click here.
Read the The Bulletin's coverage of this issue: Deschutes Basin water users scramble to make ends meet in century-old system
Other features:
Arnold Irrigation District conservation projects close to approval, district manager says
Do we have enough water in Oregon? Depends who you ask
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